Moving forward on CubicWeb development
Some of us at Logilab made some kind of retrospective of the processes surrounding CubicWeb (core) development. One of the important point is that we decided that Logilab would not resume the bi-monthly meetings with other developers and users to discuss and update the roadmap.
Instead, we will do more Blog Driven Development (as started by Denis on this blog) to keep the community up to date with our internal effort. We will continue to use the mailing-list to discuss with everybody what we contribute to CubicWeb.
We will also try to organize a sprint in the coming months, but we are not able to commit on a date for now, because we are under a heavy load with customer work (which is a good thing for us and CubicWeb, of course).
Another topic was to set up a kind of working agreement for those developing on the core. For a start, we agreed on the following points:
- we stop the two-steps review process
- integrators commit to handling pending reviews under a 7 days time frame
- an integrator is not allowed to integrate his or her own patches
- incoming patches should not make the QA numbers go down, and should be py3k compatible.
QA numbers are still to be defined in a forthcoming internal sprint on continuous integration system. Current integrators are Julien, David, Denis, Florent and Sylvain. If you're interested, let us know on the mailing-list.