What's new in CubicWeb 3.13?
CubicWeb 3.13 has been developed for a while and includes some cool stuff:
generate and handle Apache's modconcat compatible URLs, to minimize the number of HTTP requests necessary to retrieve JS and CSS files, along with a new cubicweb-ctl command to generate a static 'data' directory that can be served by a front-end instead of CubicWeb
major facet enhancements:
nicer layout and visual feedback when filtering is in-progress
new RQLPathFacet to easily express new filters that are more than one hop away from the filtered entities
a more flexibile API, usable in cases where it wasn't previously possible
some form handling refactorings and cleanups, notably introduction of a new method to process posted content, and updated documentation
support for new base types : BigInt, TZDateTime and TZTime (in 3.12 actually for those two)
write queries optimization, and several RQL fixes on complex queries (e.g. using HAVING, sub-queries...), as well as new support for CAST() function and REGEXP operator
datafeed source and default CubicWeb xml parsers:
refactored into smaller and overridable chunks
easier to configure
make it work
As usual, the 3.13 also includes a bunch of other minor enhancements, refactorings and bug fixes. Please download and install CubicWeb 3.13 and report any problem on the tracker and/or the mailing-list!