CubicWeb Roadmap meeting on March 5th 2015

The Logilab team holds a roadmap meeting every two months to plan its CubicWeb development effort. The previous roadmap meeting was in January 2015.

Christophe de Vienne (Unlish) and Aurélien Campéas (self-employed) joined us.

Christophe de Vienne asked for discussions on:

  • Security Context: settle on an approach, and make it happen.
  • Pyramid Cubicweb adoption: where are we? what authentication stack do we want by default?
  • Package layout (aka "develop mode" friendliness): let's get real
  • Documentation: is the restructuration attempt ( a credible path for the documentation?

Aurélien Campéas asked for discussions on:

  • status of integration in the 3.21 branch
  • a new API for cubicweb stores

Sylvain Thénault asked for discussions on:

  • a new API for dataimport (including cubicweb stores, but not only),
  • new integrators on CW



Version 3.18

This version is stable but old and maintained (current is 3.18.8).

Version 3.19

This version is stable and maintained (current is 3.19.9).

Version 3.20

This version is now stable and maintained (current is 3.20.4).

Version 3.21

See below


Next roadmap meeting will be held at the beginning of may 2015 at Logilab. Interested parties are invited to get in touch.

Open Discussions

New integrators

Rémi Cardona (rcardona) and Denis Laxaldle (dlaxalde) have now the publish access level on Cubicweb repositories.

Security context

Christophe exposed his proposal for a "security context" in Cubicweb, as exposed in and with a proposition of implementation (see )

The idea has been validated based on a substitution variables, which names will start with "ctx:" (the RQL grammar will have to be modified to accept a ":")

This will then allow to write RQL queries like (API still to be tuned):

X owned_by U, U eid %(ctx:cwuser_eid)s


The pyramid-based web server proposed by Christophe and used for its unlish website is still under test and evaluation at Logilab. There are missing features (implemented in cubes) required to be able to deploy pyramid-cubicweb for most of the applications used at Logilab, especially cubicweb-signedrequest

In order to make it possible to implement authentication cubes like cubicweb-signedrequest, the pyramid-cubicweb requires some modifications. These has been developped and are about to be published, along with a new version of signedrequest that provide pyramid compatibility.

There are still some dependencies that lack a proper Debian package, but that should be done in the next few weeks.

In order to properly identify pyramid-related code in a cube, it has been proposed that these code should go in modules in the cube named pviews and pconfig (note that most cube won't require any pyramid specific code). The includeme function should however be in the cube's main packgage (in the file)

There have been some discussions about the fact that, for now, a pyramid-cubicweb instance requires an anonymous user/access, which can also be a problem for some application.


Christophe pointed the fact that the directory/files layout of cubicweb and cubes do not follow current Python's de facto standards, which makes cubicweb hard to use in a context of virtualenv/pip based installation. There is the CWEP004 discussing some aspects of this problem.

The decision has been taken to move toward a Cubicweb ecosystem that is more pip-friendly. This will be done step by step, starting with the dependencies (packages currently living in the logilab "namespace").

Then we will investigate the feasibility of migrating the layout of Cubicweb itself.


The new documentation structure has been approved.

It has been proposed (and more or less accepted) to extract the documentation in a dedicated project. This is not a priority, however.

Roadmap for 3.21

No change since last meeting:

  • the complete removal of the dbapi, the merging of Connection and ClientConnection. remains
  • Integrate the pyramid cube to provide the pyramid command if the pyramid framework can be imported: removed (too soon, pyramid-cubicweb's APIs are not stable enough)
  • Integration of CWEP-003 (FROM clause for RQL): removed (will probably never be included unless someone needs it)
  • CWEP-004 (cubes as standard python packages) is being discussed: removed (not for 3.21, see above)

dataimports et stores

A heavy refactoring is under way that concerns data import in CubicWeb. The main goal is to design a single API to be used by the various cubes that accelerate the insertion of data (dataio, massiveimport, fastimport, etc) as well as the internal CWSource and its data feeds.

For details, see the thread on the mailing-list and the patches arriving in the review pipeline.